Mark Your Calendar NOW for Stage Left Kidz Premiere Palooza! On Sunday, September 13, 2020, when “Hey, Li’l Red!” makes its world premiere! We will shine on the BIG SCREEN at United Local High School at 1 PM (repeated at 7 PM.) We will run videos from our archive of kidz shows on the hour from 1-8 PM. Refer to the schedule to plan to view the shows you want. Purchase your online ticket and arrive 15 minutes prior to your HOUR and you will be admitted to the parking area after each video finishes. (Stage Left will have a list of those who pre-registered.) Tickets will be available for sale online beginning Sunday, August 30th. Last year’s Season Subscribers may use their punch card and should email StageLeftSeats@yahoo.com to reserve their spot. Please indicate your arrival and departure times.
How the Stage Left Drive In works! Based on what we learned from our first Drive In experience- • Any LARGE vehicles will park in the spaces near the perimeter of the lot to allow compact cars good viewing from the center. Vehicles may enter and exit during transition period only. • Online prepaid admissions and donations will make the procedure go more smoothly. Your cash donations were so generous! This time, please reserve and donate online. • Season Ticket Holders- You can reserve your parking spot through StageLeftSeats@yahoo.com with no payment needed. We LOVE our Season Subscribers! • Stay socially distant PLEASE. Wear masks should you have to leave your vehicle. • No indoor restroom facilities will be available. Stage Left will provide a Porta-Pottie, and there is an additional Porta-Pottie located at the United Local Soccer field.
1 PM- The Making of “Hey, Li’l Red!” and “Hey, Li’l Red” 2 PM- “Goldilocks in Bobby Socks” Grizzlie Cast 3 PM- “Goldilocks in Bobby Socks” Bopper Cast 4 PM- “Saving Salina” Plankton Cast 5 PM- “Saving Salina” Krill Cast 6 PM- “Snap the Whip” & "Eureka!" Mash Up 7 PM- The Making of “Hey, Li’l Red!” and “Hey, Li’l Red” 8 PM- JR/SR High take the screen!