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Join us for our 30th Season!

In the winter of 1992, I sat with friends around a kitchen table dreaming of sharing our love of theatre with our community. Thirty years later in our Stage Left adventure, those dreams come true each time we open the doors of the Trinity Playhouse.

You can hear it- the buzz of patrons as we show them to their seats.

You can see it- the wonder as they breathe in the history that surrounds them.

You can feel it- the anticipation of becoming a part of the magic in the making.

I welcome you to join our band of courageous, risk taking, silly and serious dreamers for our 30th Season. Find your place as we dare to dream bigger to include storytellers, stargazers, poets, playwrights, artists, dancers, hikers, makers and doers of all that transforms and inspires us to create community.

Find your place here.

Let the magic begin.


Kandace L. Cleland

Executive Director


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