Stage Left Players' Kidz will audition our original musical holiday show, "Where's Rudolph?" on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 26th and 27th from 4:30-5:30 PM and from 6:30- 7 PM.
The show will run for ONE WEEKEND ONLY on Friday and Saturday, November 17 & 18 at 7 PM, and Sunday, November 19, 2017 at 2 PM at the historic Trinity Playhouse. (Daytime school performances are pending, Monday and/or Tuesday mornings, November 20th and 21st.)
Staff professionals, Jodine Pilmer & Kandy Cleland seek a cast of 34-40 K-8th graders who are ready to dance and sing this holiday tale of the famous reindeer who made history. We all know that Rudolph made his heroic sleigh ride in a blizzard, with his red nose blazing the way for Santa and the "Mighty Eight." BUT our story begins with all of the reindeer competing in the famous reindeer games to see who will win the honor of pulling Santa's sleigh. Then mischief abounds the evil Snow Queen and her minion, Jackie Frost implement their master plan to ruin Christmas.
Please make sure to arrive 10 minutes prior to your audition with sheet music prepared to sing a short musical selection. Dress comfortably to learn a simple dance combination. If you have questions or concerns, email Kandy at
As always, "It's great to be a Stage Left Youth Player!"
*Please note that a participation Fee of $25 is due at our first rehearsal. This fee will cover Show T-shirt and additional production expenses. Thank you.