Fish stories. We’ve all heard them- and told them. But you won’t want to miss the whoppers that Edward Bloom tells his son Will in our upcoming summer musical, Big Fish- June 22-25! Til then, subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear our cast’s fish stories, rehearsal videos and playhouse perks! Visit our Website and CLICK the subscribe button!
This rollicking fantasy set in the American South will unfold with simplicity and beauty as our 28 community Stage Left Players step in and out of characters. It takes mermaids, circus performers, and even a giant to share the epic journey of Edward Bloom!
We hope that you enjoyed a sneak peek of our rehearsal process where choreographer Christine Martin and musical director Jodine Pilmer worked and played with the cast as they mastered “the Alabama Stomp”... well, sorta… they’ll have it by opening night!
Stage Left Players presents Big Fish the Musical with music & lyrics by Andrew Lippa and book by John August by special arrangement and in agreement with Theatrical RItes Worldwide.