Our Stage Left Youth Players are in costume and “Snapping the Whip” on the stage of the historic Trinity Playhouse as they sing and dance original pioneer story based on Winslow Homer’s painting. We highly recommend you reserve your seats NOW as tickets sell out quickly for our youth productions. https://www.stageleftplayers.org/
Playwrights and directors Kandy Cleland and Jodine Pilmer found inspiration in Winslow Homer’s painting to write a children’s musical set in 1850s Ohio. The story follows the challenges and joys of pioneer children throughout the seasons of a year. We begin in summer playfully scattering across a meadow in summer heat, and continue by making apple butter during fall harvest, battling winter storms and sickness, and rejoicing in a spring thaw.
Many thanks to the Ohio Arts Council for providing funding for this season’s Stage Left Youth Players’ productions.